What is an aircraft?

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We start this blog with this must-have understanding of what is an aircraft!

First of all we need to get used to the vocabulary and parts of a plane, let's see this image:

We have different parts in this image let's start with the easy one the fuselageit's the main part of a plane. It's the part which can hold passengers or cargo or both of them.

We have wings they are the cause of flight of the plane: it produces vertical aerodynamic force so a plane can fly. We will see in another post all the little parts of what these wings are made of and what are their parts. In the rear part of the plane we have the vertical and horizontal stabilizers, as of their name they give stability in the vertical and horizontal planes.

Below the wings, generally, we have the engines. It is used to give propulsion to the aircraft, they are basicly two types of engines, piston engines and gas turbines:

Piston engines

Gas Turbine Engines

These are the main parts of an aircraft, without one of this main components the aircraft turns out to be not flyable or unstable. In the next posts we will talk more deeply on the main components, their functions and use.

Don't go away! Stay with us!

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